Free air ticket for ex-drug user to perform Umrah

An airfare ticket to Saudi Arabia was given to a subject in the Orang Yang Dibawah Pengawasan (OYPD) or Persons Under Surveillance programme of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), to perform the Umrah, at a presentation ceremony yesterday morning.

A travel agency, Titian Travel and Tours, sponsored the airfare ticket for Safri Hj Abd Kahar, the candidate selected from the OYDP.

Asked if this was a one-off contribution, Mohd Jaffari Hj Mahadi, Assistant Director and Head of Supervision Division at Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), told The Brunei Times that “there is no indication if it is a one-off contribution, but the NCB is hoping that it will continue”.

Occasionally we ask the private sector for their help in any form of aid for the NCB to fight against drug use, he added.

He said: “This contribution shows that the private sector is ready to assist the government in its efforts to curb drug abuse in the country.”

Safri was chosen from five short-listed candidates, among several nominees from all four districts.

The NCB statement said there was a selection committee to evaluate candidates. The initial requirement is a sound recovery in the drug rehabilitation programme, provided by the NCB.

From the five candidates short-listed, inspections and judgements were made, including visits to their homes, and family feedback. Due to certain requirements not being met, two candidates fell short of the mark.

The selection committee then conducted personal interviews to choose one from the three remaining candidates.

Among the prevailing conditions in Phase one (the first 8-12 months) of the programme — which focuses on spirituality — an individual must display a positive attitude; a consciousness of responsibility to self, family and the community at large; discipline and a good conduct throughout the programme; and to have goals in life with the confidence that their recovery will be permanent. “I would like to extend my appreciation to Titian Travel and Tours for their offer to help a person under the OYDP,” Mohd Jaffari told The Brunei Times.

Mohd Jaffari said: “The NCB is looking for private companies to employ persons under the OYDP to help their re-integration into society”.

The NCB appreciated Titian Travel and Tours as “the first private company to provide a very valuable contribution to one of our subjects under the OYDP, as an incentive to help ensure the success of our drug rehabilitation programmes”.


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